Smile Design
Beginning the journey towards your new smile involves careful and important planning. Each smile design in customised to your specific needs. This starts with use of cutting-edge dental technology to digitally and manually map how your new smile will look. We will take photos, scans and moulds of you and your mouth that will be digitally rendered, giving us a virtual version of your teeth. Your new smile can then be mocked up digitally and physically. This will give you an idea of what the results of the treatment will look like before we start your journey.
The benefits of designing your new smile before you commit to the treatment will help eliminate any uncertainties before we begin. It will allow us both to design your bespoke new smile and will give us both a clear idea on the goal we intend to achieve.
Why is it needed?
When building a new house, you need the blueprints and design beforehand. Similarly, when creating your new smile, we need the blueprint and design to help you make the decision you are happy with. It could save you money and prevent you from spending on treatment that may not be right for you.
Designing your new smile beforehand will not only benefit you but us as well. As there are so many options available to achieve your desired goal like composite bonding, porcelain veneers or orthodontic treatment. We as clinicians will use this tool to choose the right treatment for your needs. It will help us better understand how the treatment will be applied to each specific tooth individually.

The 4 Step Process
It is quick, pain free and will not require any invasive procedures. The most important stage is you communicating to us what YOU want. It is engaging and gives you more of a say in your final result. It will help us understand your needs and manage your expectations.
Communication - tell us what you like, dislike and your perceived goals
Photos - pictures of your face, mouth and teeth
Moulds - traditional moulds of your teeth
Digital Scans - digital moulds of your teeth
After all the necessary information is gathered, our clinicians will then analyse and plan for your new smile with our dental technicians.
Your digital new smile is then rendered virtually, superimposed on your existing photos and manually printed as models for you to see. On occasions we can temporarily mock up the new smile in your mouth, using temporary materials for you to “try-out” your new smile on the dental chair.
This process will give you a good glimpse of what your teeth can look like. Not only this it can help you decide at this stage if you want anything changing to your final smile which can be easily done at this stage.

How much does smile design cost?
Prices start from £300 for this service. This will vary and will depend on your needs and how much treatment is required. We would like to reassure you the great benefits from smile designs; greatly outweigh the disadvantages from not utilising this service.
From utilising this service, we are able to give you a tailored treatment plan involving a breakdown of costs and the time period involved with your treatment.