The Heathcote Dental & Implant Clinic, Macclesfield
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Get Your Invisalign Treatment With Our Experts In Macclesfield

Invisalign is a clear brace system that straightens the teeth discreetly using custom-made clear thermoplastic aligners, with most cases being able to complete within 5 months. The treatment is completely digitally planned using the latest technology which improves the accuracy and the efficiency of the subsequent tooth movements to help achieve the final result.

3 Steps To Start Your Invisalign Treatment

Initial Consultation

At the consultation we will have a detail discussion with yourself to acertain what your needs and desires are. We will then assess your mouth to see if you are suitable for Invisalign treatment. We will then take photographs and moulds of your teeth to send to Invisalign.


At this appointment we will be able to show you an accurate and thorough version of what the tooth movement will be as well as how many attachments are needed in addition to any space requirements with a process called interproximal reduction (IPR)


Once the clincheck is approved by yourself, we can then get the Invisalign aligners manufactured within 3 weeks and fitted to start moving the teeth and for you begin your smile makeover with us.

Invisalign FAQs

Invisalign treatment can last upto 5 months per sets. You get upto 3 sets to achieve your desired result. The vast majority of Invisalign cases are treated using one set. You must keep the Invisalign aligners in your mouth for upto 22 hours per day.

  • Clear and discreet
  • No metal wires and brackets
  • Easy to clean and maintain your oral hygiene
  • Gentle tooth movements
  • Minimal to no interference in your speech
  • Removable
  • Easy to eat your foods during the treatment

You are expected to wear your retainers full time for 3 months, then switch to nightly wear for the first year. After one year, you can wear your retainers 2-3x per nights per week.

We will always advise you to wear your retainers for as long as you can, as your teeth will always want to move back to their starting positions.

Invisalign treatment is generally painless. Some very mild discomfort and tenderness can occur when new aligners are fitted.