Composite bonding offers a non-invasive alternative to porcelain veneers or crowns. It is a great solution to fix minor defects, chips, discolouration’s or gaps.

Composite is a resin material that is tooth coloured. There are many colours and tints used to get the exact shade that matches your teeth. The composite is careful sculpted to get the desired shape of your teeth. The process can be very quick and results can be instantaneous.

It is used to enhance the aesthetics of your teeth by being able to change the shape, colour and appearance of teeth. In most cases, your natural tooth does not have to be removed or damaged and the composite resin can be applied directly to your untouched tooth.

To improve the aesthetic of your teeth you can either undergo composite edge bonding or composite veneers. We can use different quantities and shades to achieve the desired results.


Composite Edge Bonding

We can use composite to lengthen your teeth to treat short worn teeth, fix chips or whiten area of discolouration. This can be done on one or more teeth.

Composite Veneers

Composite is applied to the whole surface of the tooth changing its shape, colour and alignment. We can make the teeth look brighter and whiter. This can be applied to one or more teeth.

Whether you decide to have composite edge bonding or veneers is up to you and what you would like to achieve, this will be discussed with you in your consultation appointment. Usually the number of teeth varies between 4-10. This allows for a more uniform and symmetrical smile.

Benefits of composite bonding

There are many benefits from choosing composite bonding. The main advantage is that it is non-invasive and reversible. As we are not damaging the natural tooth underneath.

Alignment - if your teeth are slightly misaligned, composite can be used to mask and make the tooth appear straighter.
Colour - you can whiten your teeth before but if you feel like you want the teeth even lighter, composite veneers can do this.
Same day result - the stream-lined process means you may not need a lot of appointments and the results can be instantaneous. You may only need one appointment following your consultation appointment to get the results you want.
Versatile - composite can be used on all teeth for all age groups!

How long do they last?

As with all dental treatments, composites will undergo a life where it may require repairing or repolishing. The main disadvantages of composite is chipping and staining. This will heavily depend on your maintenance and food choices. However as composites are reversible and quick these can be fixed easily. We usually have seen good results for composites lasting between 5-7 years.

Straightening teeth vs composite bonding

Teeth are never perfect. Small misalignments in teeth can be masked using composites if the environment for them is right. However we will assess this for you. If the environment for composite is not right due to the misalignment for teeth, we will recommend straightening them first with braces. This can be done with fixed braces or Invisalign.

The reason we will recommend to straighten your teeth is not only to prolong the life expectancy of the composites but also to improve the symmetry and aesthetics of your smile.


Composite Bonding Process

Your natural teeth are first prepared using gels. This roughens the surface to improve the connection and strength of the composite. The composite is seamlessly and artistically sculpted to the desired the shape. After this is done the composite is then set hard using a blue light. The procedure is then completed by polishing and smoothening the composite to give it a bright and shiny finish.

One or multiple colours and tints can be used to mimic nature or give you the Hollywood smile you desire.


Maintenance and how to look after your composites

Due to composites being softer than your natural teeth they need to be maintained regularly as they are prone to chipping and discolouration. Certain actions can help avoid these problems from happening.

We advise 48 hours after the composite bonding appointment to avoid any foods or liquid which could stain the composite material. The same food which can stain your natural teeth can stain the composite. Smoking should be avoided as it is detrimental to your overall dental health.

You should avoid biting and chewing hard foods on your composite material. As the composite is softer than your natural tooth, excessive forces on delicate areas can cause them to chip. If this does occur than please do not worry as this can be fixed.

If you partake in contact sports or have a habit of grinding your teeth, it is extremely important that you wear a mouth guard (gum shield) to protect your composites from fracturing and chipping.

Composite vs Porcelain Veneers
Which one should I get?

We offer both treatment options for you. However, you may find it difficult to decide which one is right for you. This will be discussed with you in your appointment to help you make a formal decision.

The main difference between them is the material and how its applied.

Composite veneers gives you the option of being reversible, less invasive, cheaper and quicker. It can be applied in small and large amounts depending on your needs. They can be sculpted directly in your mouth so you can change the final outcome easily to suit your wants.

Porcelain veneers are a thin sheet of porcelain that are bonded to the tooth. It requires removal of small amount of enamel (the outer layer of your teeth) to create the space. Porcelain veneers are more expensive than composite veneers. However they are longer lasting (on average 3 times longer). Porcelain is more resilient than composite and aesthetically better in certain circumstances.
